How Data Analysis Helps Marketers

Previously we discussed the not-so-subtle relationship between branding and sales. Now we’ll see 3 ways how data analysis serves marketers, namely plugging their spendings, achieving precise segmentation and targeting, and assisting in creating personalized offerings for customers.

We also propose integrating your datasets into one standardized, consolidated dataset that helps you conduct data analysis much faster and better than before. We’ll discuss ‘how’ later in this blog, under the heading ‘How to consolidate the Data Analysis process’.

Let’s begin:

How Data Analysis Helps Marketers: 

  1. Plugging Spendings

Marketers previously had little idea where they spent their budget. They just did so on the basis of their experience and intuition, with little data to back it up. If the campaign failed, the corrective course of action too was based on assumptions, experience and intuition, since the manager of the past 

  1. Did not have access to the data points he needed
  2. Could not / would not utilize technology to analyze the right data points

Hold on, are we describing the marketers of today?

Unfortunately, we are partially doing so. This is because while access to the data points is no longer as big an issue, the inability or unwillingness to analyze the data to make data-backed decisions is still something prevalent amongst marketers. One of the primary reasons found is along the lines of ‘Oh, marketing is not an exact science, so we cannot treat it as such. Marketing is equally an art as it is a science’. And while the creative element will always remain, the fact is that marketing is increasingly turning into a science. The best marketers no longer rely on just themselves; they let the data influence their decisions. 

Data analysis helps marketers know where they are spending their dollar, so they can avoid ineffective spending. The need to spend budgets to test hypotheses that may prove to be baseless is eliminated. Additionally, marketers can, within the same budget, conduct A/B Testing and undertake more campaigns than before to increase their reach, awareness and revenue. 

Mapping out and optimizing the logistical costs of making products available in stores is done by modeling KPIs in Excel. Similarly, data availability and analysis drive budget allocation, for example, allocation for LinkedIn advertising

  1. Helping Achieve Precise Segmentation & Targeting

The rise of omnichannel marketing is a clear indication that customers are more distributed than ever. The opportunities for reaching the target customer have increased, but so has the difficulty. Not to mention the competition. 

The fundamental questions of ‘who are we selling to’ and ‘how are we going to approach them’ are answerable only when the right data is present at the right time. Marketers have to use data to answer questions such as

  1. Who is our target audience?
  2. Where does our target audience lie / what channels do they consistently use/are exposed to? How many channels do we want to be present on?
  3. Based on our product, budget, and other influential factors such as logistical reach and size of workforce, what type of targeting should we adopt? Mass targeting, differentiated, niche, or microtargeting being some options
  4. What is the competition doing in the market? What parameters does he work on?

3. Helping Provide Personalized Offerings

Precise targeting also helps marketers create a database over time that they can use as a reference for providing personalized products, services and experiences to the customer. 

With consistent maintenance and upgradation, this database can serve as a pivotal point where the customer prefers your brand and your brand only. 

There has been ample research showing that customers are more satisfied, more likely to complete a purchase, and even willing to pay more when offered a personalized product/service as compared to a non-personalized one. The trend is only growing with Generation Z, who are more willing to share their personal details to receive personalized recommendations in return.

Leveraging both big and small data to achieve this is the way to create a lasting and authentic bond with customers.

How To Consolidate The Data Analysis Process

Our proposal is very simple: gather all of your present and incoming data under a single platform – Explorazor. Conduct queries on the integrated, standardized dataset, and you will receive instant data pivots. It’s a no hassle process that accelerates data analysis, empowering marketers with high-quality information and leaving them with so much more time on their hands to do stuff more productive than extracting insights from multiple datasets stored in different files. There’s so much more to it, like downloading of required data pivots as CSV files if needed, ability to drill-through and drill-across any metric of interest, customization options, and other features built especially for Brand & Sales Teams and Managers.

We encourage marketers to do more with their marketing strategies and campaigns by leaning more on data analysis than intuition and experience, and we encourage using Explorazor to expedite the process of extracting data pivots from data. 

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3 Types of Data Analysis Brand Managers can Perform Super-Easily on Explorazor

Explorazor is a data exploration tool designed specifically to help brand managers in their day-to-day data analysis and exploration, which they’d otherwise do on Excel.

The Explorazor platform provides Brand Managers with a single view of all their data. With data analysis made easy and fast through this single-view dataset, Brand Managers are also able to accelerate the speed of their hypothesis testing. All they have to do is use a simple search interface to get the answers they are looking for, in the form of relevant pivots/charts.

Explorazor - Making data analysis easy for Brand Managers!

Here are the 3 Types of Data Analysis Brand Managers can Perform Super-Easily on Explorazor:

  1. Category vs Your Brand 

Let’s say you, as a Brand Manager, need to look at your brand’s performance in relation to the performance of your brand category. This is helpful in tracking the market, detecting consumer trends, and comparing how relatively strong a market is, with its overall sales. 

Let’s look at an example of how Explorazor makes it easy and quick to search your data and get answers instantly.

Above is how a search query and the result look on Explorazor. You can see the keyword-based query conducted which, if translated to an interrogative sentence, reads as ‘What is the Market Sales Value of our brand Alpha Supplement and how has it performed with respect to its Category, on a quarterly basis?’ 

  1. Competition vs Your Brand 

The next type of data analysis is Competition vs Your Brand. Once you’ve identified your competitors, consistently measuring their performance helps you benchmark your own growth vs. theirs. 

Further to querying, Explorazor allows you to pin your answers to the project dashboard, which means that all pinned answers are updated every time the data refreshes. The need to re-query the same thing is eliminated.

Let’s look at the ‘Competition vs Your Brand’ query here. As you can see, there are more inputs in this search query than in the last one. The query reads as ‘Comparing the average Market Sales Value, Net Spends on TV, average Share amongst Handlers of our brand Alpha Supplement as against other brands, for the last quarter.’

Using the customization options above, one can also convert the table into a chart of their choice. 

One can easily pin the query using the available icon on the top right, and add the particular query to the dashboard.

  1. Compare Primary Sales, Secondary Sales and Market Sales

To compare and analyze primary, secondary, and market sales values in Excel requires separate access to 3 different datasets. The results have to be then collated to get a complete understanding. 

Since all datasets are connected in Explorazor, you can simply access the single integrated dataset and obtain answers swiftly, with a single query.

Here we are comparing the average Market Share Value, Net Spends on TV, average Share amongst Handlers of our brand Alpha Supplement as against competitor brands, for the last quarter.

The default tabular format provides a clean and familiar look for Brand Managers to analyze the data, and is downloadable as a CSV file too, in case it needs to be transported to Excel for further exploration.

Directly Proportional – Quality & Speed 

The quality of decision-making is directly proportional to the speed and convenience of the hypotheses testing process. Systematically investigating the validity and reliability of multiple areas of interest simultaneously serves as a solid foundation for incremental improvements that may have otherwise not been possible. De-cluttering a Brand Manager’s mind space by providing an integrated data view and freeing up their time through data cuts at their fingertips will work wonders for both the brand and the manager – and that is what Explorazor is all about. 

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3 Data-Related Challenges Brand Managers Face and How to Solve Them

Tell us a better love story than Brand Managers and data.

Brand Managers possess some of the strongest number-crunching skills in the industry. Everything’s solved and managed in Excel; sales, logistics, marketing; development, execution, evaluation. Operations and decisions are dependent purely on data, and these invite data-related challenges as well.

Let’s look at 3 data-related challenges Brand Managers face, and the possible solution to each:

Data-Related Challenge 1 – Data Fragmentation

The swiftness of strategic decisions suffers the most when data is fragmented across files and sheets. The data currently residing in Excel is stored under different column headers and cannot be combined. Internal and external data reside separately, and pivots have to be repetitively extracted from each individual dataset to move further with the analysis.

Fragmented, unsynchronized datasets also affect the quality of insights derived. One reason we can think of is the sheer (and avoidable, as you will see in the solution) manual effort BMs put in, in bringing the data at one place to perform analysis on it.


We have a tailored method to organize your data. Explorazor by vPhrase Analytics is a data exploration platform built specifically for Brand Managers to query their data better and extract instant data cuts from it. What Explorazor does is combine all the datasets currently residing in Excel, and provide unified, single-view access for Brand Managers to explore. Examples of such datasets would be primary sales, secondary sales, Kantar, IQVIA, and more. 

Explorazor relieves Brand Managers from having to constantly switch between files and sheets to find relevant data cuts. Correlating reasons for market loss, estimating the right media budget spend, gauging discounting effectiveness, finding best-performing regions, etc. become much easier. We imagine that a seamless experience will encourage Brand Managers to explore further and deeper into event root causes, key focus areas, and other ad-hoc analyses.

Data-Related Challenge 2 – Data Standardization

Metric definition is the first hurdle in the data standardization process. What Nielsen defines as an Urban area and a Rural area and what internal company definitions for the same terms are, are mostly dissimilar. Information capturing done by field sales personnel contains numerous kinds of errors. The spellings are different, the name of a state is mentioned in a shorter form, capitalization issues, etc etc. 

Raw data standardization is a necessary prerequisite for efficient data analysis, and right now it is a task that Brand Managers would love to sweep off their table.


Our team at Explorazor ensures that all your data is modeled and standardized so data analysis can be conducted without having to worry about missing data points.

Redundant, duplicate, inaccurate, and irrelevant data is expelled, leaving a de-cluttered dataset that serves as a base for higher-quality analysis and insights extraction.

A clean dataset is also helpful when creating routine dashboards and presentations for senior management.     

Data-Related Challenge 3 – Large (and Clumsy) Data Dumps

The data dumps that Brand Managers work on are too large – Excel cannot output results fast on our laptops, as one would like. Loading – and ensuring that the data is saved – takes excessive time. An abundance of formula insertion slows the workbook down. 

Thinking about quick pivots? Think again. Then again, and then again, because your laptop is slow and you have lots of time on your hands…


Loading huge Excel files is no joke. To create pivots, and to create them now, is one of the prime reasons we believe a solution like Explorazor will go a long way in assisting Brand Managers save time. All data resides on servers and is accessible via a browser, so laptops breathe freely again. Brand Managers, using a simple search interface on Explorazor, can conduct ad-hoc analysis and test out hypotheses at accelerated speeds. 

If you want to take the pivots to Excel – permission granted. All pivots are downloadable as CSV files. Convert pivots into charts using simple customization options and pin them to pinboards. Each project within Explorazor allows its separate pinboard creation.

Explorazor is built for Brand Managers

Explorazor alleviates data-related challenges which Brand Managers face, as well as: 

  • Saves their time by taking the processing load off their laptops
  • Eases their data exploration journey by providing unified access to all their datasets
  • Enhances the quality of their insights by standardizing all current and incoming data
  • Increases their independence by letting them conduct ad-hoc analyses on their own, without over-reliance on BI/Insights teams 

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